2nd International Conference on Econophysics


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Registration fees include "guest speaker-awards", luncheon, login access to ICE Web Site, the JESTR (http://www.jestr.org), and access to all Conference presentations and sessions.

Moreover, registered participants will receive the conference proceedings as soon as they become available.


 Registration  before August 21 after August 21
 Author - Participant 100 Euros  120 Euros
 Participant Students 50 Euros  60 Euros





In order for the registration to be effective, participants have to deposit the registration fee in the following account or at the conference desk:

Bank: Piraeus Bank PIRBGRAA

Account number (IBAN): GR7701722460005246013464178

In the place reserved in the deposit receipt for the "Reasoning of the payment", please complete your full name and the phrase "ICE2013 Registration".